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- Sex Trafficking, Parental Authority, and Public Schools
Just last week, on July 15th, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, signed Assembly Bill 1955 allowing for schools to take authority away from parents in order to keep secrets with their children, all in the name of "safety". Just a healthy reminder for everyone... secrets that other adults keep with your children from you are usually sexual in nature and harmful to your child. That's why parents tell their children that they should never listen when an adult tells them to keep a secret from their parents. Well guess what, this bill's goal is to hide sexual identities of children from their parents. As with all other work Gavin Newsom is doing, this is just another step in his human trafficking movement. Just research what he has been up to as governor and you will see how he has made it easier for predators to harm your children and easier for your children to be preyed upon by predators. We are sliding down a slope that leads to our children being wards of the government. If we continue to allow our parental rights stripped from us, our children will end up being slaves to the government. We all know what happens in California, doesn't stay in California. If you believe you don't need to worry about it, when you wake up, it will be too late. Homeschooling is still legal in California, but eventually they will try to strip that freedom too. When will we realize that we don't need the government to save us? You can live life fully without relying on the government to educate your kids. Stop making excuses. Homeschool while you still can. And take the time to do your diligence as a citizen and keep abreast of what your chosen representatives are doing. Pay special attention to anything they do in the name of "safety". It's almost always to oppress you. And protect your children from these sick, perverted people who want to fill your child's head with lies about who they are so they can eventually sexualize them. You are their only protection. Don't forget who you are. By Jennifer Labelle Co-Founder of The FREE FAMILY Movement
- What is Homeschooling?
Homeschooling is when your children are educated at home either part time or full time. Some public schools offer homeschooling as a part or full time option depending on what state you reside in. Those public schools usually are charter schools, however some non-charter public schools offer homeschooling through online learning for students who need to be home for special circumstances such as illness or social issues. Charter schools are non government run schools that are government funded. Some have a homeschool option depending on the state. However, most homeschoolers are homeschooled through private means depending on what the state permits. This means the parents are homeschooling their children apart from the government and are subsequently paying out of pocket for all costs related. Some consider true homeschooling to be done without government interference, by the parents only, with the children being home full time. Since homeschooling has become more popular and there are more options available than there used to be, homeschooling can look very different from family to family and state to state. Some families might employ a tutor to accomplish some or all of the home education. This could be the case with parents who both work full time, however there are cases of parents homeschooling while also working full time jobs. Others might utilize an enrichment program where their children attend in person and receive all of their instruction, completing the lessons independently at home on the days they do not attend in person. There are also private schools that offer homeschooling full or part time. There are many options out there, but homeschooling is essentially parents teaching their children or resourcing out for their children to be taught outside of one size fits all institutions. This is the key to why homeschoolers tend to outperform public school children. One size does not fit all and thus children who are homeschooled get a more tailored education where their gifts can be identified and nurtured, they get more one on one attention, and they have more time available to grow, develop, and pursue their curiosities. *This article was not written with AI
- What Happens in the World Tomorrow Is Determined By What Happens In Your Home Today.
What is happening in your home today? What precedents are you setting? What principles are you teaching your children? How are you preparing your children for adulthood? How are you preparing them for their future in general? How are you fostering their gifts, challenging their strengths, strengthening their weaknesses and blindspots? As a parent, you have a lot of pull in shaping the future. If parents render this authority, they not only contribute to future strife in this world, but also lose out on the many blessings this authority and responsibility brings them. Nations are built upon families. The family is the most influential entity in shaping the world. Any complaints you may have regarding happenings in the world or your community, need to be contemplated through the question of “What does your home look like?” The change you want to see starts with you. It is only when we take authority over a situation that we take control over it. Playing the victim will not get you the results you want or fix the problems you complain about. What happens in your home today determines tomorrow. What are you doing today to make a better tomorrow? It all starts in the home… *This article was not written with AI
- What does my child need to learn?
Are you homeschooling or wanting to homeschool but are worried your child won’t learn everything they need to? Many parents get hung up on what their child needs to learn. They have been told for so long that everyone needs to learn the same thing, that the government knows just what those things are, and that they will accidentally miss one of these things if they don’t send them to public school and it will put their child back in life. If that sounds silly, it’s because it is, but when it comes down to it, many parents legitimately have this fear. You worry your child won’t learn everything that they need to. But who determines what a child needs to learn? Is it the government? Are they the most ultimate power of wisdom and knowledge? Government is good at creating one size fits all systems because they have too many people to govern. That’s why originally the U.S. leaned on the states and local governments holding more power. Our founding fathers knew decisions needed to be made locally because people and lands are not all the same and cannot be governed as such. Asking the question of who determines what a child needs to learn is the first step. If you think that the government is a supremely higher power that has all the answers, then you neglect the fact that governments are made up of humans who are very much like you and I, imperfect. It was in asking this question and critically thinking about it that I realized that God gave my children to me and gave me the mandate to educate them when I rise, lie down, and walk by the way (Deuteronomy 6). But since I grew up in public school and was told my whole life that the “professionals” had all the answers, I questioned if I was “qualified”. How I was qualified to teach them the first few years of life but not the rest did not cross my mind at first. I was already conditioned to think that the government was the higher power. It was not until I questioned who the higher power was that I was able to begin my journey to find out what my child really needed to learn. God was Lord of my life, but I started to realize that I had not really lived my life that way. Once I realized that I should align myself with God’s Word and not what the world told me, I was able to throw away some bad thinking and start to think critically. What I realized was that God created us each so special. No two people have the same fingerprint! That was not by accident but by design. Each person in this world brings something a little different. God gave us each gifts and talents. He wants us to see that we need each other. Where we lack, another abounds. If I were to send my kids to a one size fits all education system, their unique gifts and talents wouldn't be fostered. If I gave up my God-given responsibility to educate my children to someone else who had a couple dozen other students to teach, then the uniqueness only I could impart to them would not occur. God gave them to me for a reason. I might not be perfect, but I am the one God wants to teach my kids. And you are the one who should teach yours too. Does that mean you can’t resource out and have other teachers? No, but it does me that their education is your responsibility and no one else's. So how do you know what to teach them? Well, you are the parent so YOU get to decide! What do you think your child should learn? What is important to you? What did you wish you had learned in school? No matter if you go to public school or homeschool, you will always feel like you didn’t learn everything. And that’s okay because learning never needs to end. In fact, if you think that once you graduate college, learning ends, then you rob yourself of future growth. One of the best things homeschooling provides is a love of life long learning. Homeschooled kids more often than not get the opportunity to pursue their curiosities. Lots of times sitting in a classroom and having to follow along with what everyone else is doing stifles a child’s curiosity and they can lose their love for learning. The great thing is that whatever they miss when they are young, they can learn later. They can also learn on their own time instead of falling behind others their age in a classroom setting. One on one education is always better education and no one gets left behind like they can in a large group. Also, no one will love your child more than you, even the best teachers. Should you teach your children what is being taught in public schools so your child doesn’t fall behind? Again, that’s up to you. What do you feel is really best for your child? Our society today is trying to strip parents of their authority over their children. They are using lies such as “parents aren’t as competent as the government”, and “what about parents who abuse their children?” If you are reading this and interested in finding out what is best for your child, then you probably aren’t abusing your child. Again, using one answer to solve a small percentage problem, isn’t what's best for the majority. And what I mean by that is we can’t give over our parental authority because there are some bad apple parents. Why can’t someone just tell me what to teach my child? If you really can’t decide what to teach your child, there are many resources out there to help you. You can choose any homeschool curriculum and they will have already laid out what your child should learn. But how do I know if what the curriculum teaches is enough? Well, you can research to see if there are any topics missed that you want covered and then you can find a curriculum on that topic. But how do I know if something is missed? If you believe the government has all the answers, then you can use your state’s standards or another country’s standards whose educational system is better. Or you can take a deep breath and trust that whatever you missed, they can always learn later when it comes up that they need it. Most likely, however, as you teach your child and take responsibility for their education, you will easily be able to identify areas where your child might need more instruction and areas where they really excel. Once you spend one on one time with your child and you start to gain understanding of their unique gifts and talents as well as their struggles, you will be able to help foster their gifts while also strengthening them in their weaknesses. What many will say your child needs to learn are these main subjects: math, language arts, science, history and possibly art, music, foreign language, and athletics. Others might find more importance in focusing on life skills like character, wealth building, and survival or homesteading. When figuring out what to teach your child, think about what will set them up for success in the future and don’t forget God’s mandate to teach them in everything you do all throughout your days and life. In fact, teaching is more modeling than it is lesson planning. You might think you can't teach because you imagine the teacher you had growing up. But teaching isn't standing in front of a blackboard, it's having your child come along side you to watch you as you model to them the things they need to learn. One on one mentorship has always proven to be the most successful form of learning. *This article was not written with AI